Palimpsest of Lewis
‘Palimpsest of Lewis’ is a series of 4 double-sided, semi translucent hangings (2m x 1m per piece) created from a need to express what the layers of landscape on the Isle of Lewis could tell me. It starts deep down in the abyss of time with the formation of the basement rocks of Lewisian gneiss, crystallising and flowing into the landscape as occupied by the early inhabitants. Their sacred landscape reveals archaeological finds of farming, tools and carved stones, an existence which was in time overwhelmed by the growth of the peat. Within the peat can be discerned Gaelic phrases and words in danger of disappearing through lack of modern usage and the peat bank reveals the growth of bog plants through 5 millennia of time. The last piece addresses the arrival of early Christian faith and final abandonment of church and homestead due to clearance.
Click on an image to see it in full. Some works are available to purchase. Please contact me if you would like to discuss buying work.